5 steps to feed your brain

We all want to be more intelligent and more calms, focus in order to achieve whatever we want in life, in order to be the best version of ourselves. In this article I'll give you 5 steps to feed your brain 

Books : 

Reading increases your IQ because it develops new neural pathways in your brain, which means you'll be able to think more clearly and creatively. And when it comes to reading it seems that the reading community is split when it comes to paperback books versus E-readers. I personally love the smell and feel of printed books. Maybe it’s just me but I also love seeing my progress as I turn each page. However with E-readers, there is so much more accessibility and you have access to thousands of books right at your fingertips. Plus, you never have to worry about whether or not you have the right reading light and can adjust the text size. As convenient as E-readers are, I still prefer my printed books. I love the novel feeling of carrying my book around and I never have to anxiously wait to read what’s going to happen next because I forgot to charge my Kindle the night before.

Reading Tips

⦁ Never read in dim lighting.

⦁ Read a variety of books/topics/authors to discover what you love and broaden your understanding of the world and the people around you.

⦁ Start small, set time aside daily, read 2-5 pages consistently – increase your pages as your stamina grows and find topics to read that you are interested in.

⦁ Make an appointment with yourself and stick to it!

⦁ Don’t judge a book by its cover, if you are unsure whether or not a book may interest you, read the summary at the back of the book to get an idea of the story.

⦁ Books are an amazing way to see the world through someone else’s point of view. If you can’t find a book you like, just ask someone. Not only will this be a great conversation starter but you may also learn more about that person. 


what is more happier than waking up so early and go for a run or just walking for a half hour or even less, it gives you more energy, vitality it calms your Neuro- system.

Sports is definitely the way that gives you spirits for the whole day 

Traveling or camping 

The most peaceful thing to do, after a long week full of hard work and anxiety. And when I said travelling or camping it doesn't mean to spend two days or more, maybe just a day from 10:00 am until 4:00pm is more than enough. With barbecue and books to read a cup of coffe or the, and you're done. 

Learning something new: 

A new language, graphic design, or anything else you want just for one hour a day after a year you'll see the progress you made with just one hour, but you need to be patient with yourself. Since it can take time and consistency to learn a new skill set well, remaining patient with your progress can help you stay motivated to achieve your learning goals, even if you come across challenges.

Educate yourself to be discipline: 

in order to achieve a goal you wanted so badly you need to be discipline, without it you won't be able to practice sport every day, you won't be able to read every day, and you won't learn anything. Discipline provides people with rules to live their lives efficiently and effectively. When you have discipline in your life you can make small sacrifices in the present for a better life in the future. Discipline creates habits, habits make routines, and routines become who you are daily.

And this is it for today I hope you enjoyed.



Coming back 

 It's been a long time ago since my last writing.

And can't lie but I actually miss the idea of being able to write where ever a want however I want.

 A lot of things happened in the last several months, or actually years. How weird is that I actually realized that it's been 4 years. A lot of things changed. Things happened I couldn't even imagine it would. In so many ways: my health, my mental health, my life in general changed. Even the way that I write changed, and I'm not talking about words, phrases and alphabets but the whole meaning, As I said before I miss my writings, to feel free of writing everything. I have never written formally in my entire life, and I never wanted to, it doesn't make me comfortable, I always wanted to be free, to be Savage in a polite way, respectfully. Respect is the most amazing and a powerful thing in life. I can't get in a relationship if respect isn't in the top 10 in the list of the rules of that relationship, for me respect make everything in its place, nothing would change, nothing will go up or under anything else. I don't know if you understand me but this is how it is like, respect make everything just makes sense whatever there is respect there is understanding, comprehension and whatever that is respect there is love there is a communication, there is trying not to lose that relationship because of your respect to the other partner

There is so many ideas in my mind to talk about, so many feelings in my heart to write, when you go through some things in life it changed you from deep inside of you, it change the way you talk, the way you walk, and the way you threat people in your relationships. 

In my book Life is Life however it is (Wich I started writing it  in 2016 and it never ends, every time I try to put an end to with I came up with new ideas) I said once that: "Life is weird when you were a child you wish if you grew up and when you grow up you wish if you'll be a child again." in that time I said it based on others experiences, but now I'm actually leaving it. as you grow up life become much harder. You have more responsibilities more things to think about more things to worry about, and more things to do. So the point is try always to be the best version of yourself, and I'm not talking about money, I mean I'm not talking to get more money, money is never something to work on and I'm not saying that it's not  important, but the thing that you need to improve is yourself, your deep down of yourself, your thinking, your talking your mind by improving your mind you are developing your mental health, and that's really what matter.

 your mind is what kills you or take you higher. 

we come to an end for this I hope you enjoy it and I'll be here for you for more things you want and you need 

How to improve yourself right now?

When you can know that you need to improve yourself?

When you start feeling like losing control and everything around you is falling apart

That’s the time for changing

don't you ever say that the city you're from is making you down rather that or country or even the whole world cause it's not and even if is you can't really change the world but you can change yourself, by that you're making a changing in the world. It may be not really obvious for you but it is for the world.

You need always to upgrade yourself. Don’t you tell me you like yourself the way it is; somehow someway you hate something in yourself. Don’t lie to me and don’t lie to yourself. We all have that thing or even things that we want to change it so badly.


Why do you need to improve yourself?

The first thing and before anything, you need to change yourself to better because you deserve to live a better life.

You need always to find the better version of you.

The second thing is and we all searching for; happiness, when you change yourself you’ll find your way to happiness.

 The third reason and it is more important than everything else is to reach your goals easily.


How to improve yourself?

 As usual we always have the first thing to do, and it is in wanting to improve yourself, and knowing that you’ll do. Without self-confident you will never goanna reach the end.

And it’s not the way you’re thinking it is, it’s even easier than you could ever imagine.

And to help you doing that you just need to tell yourself every morning that you goanna do it, and you’ll reach your goal. Eventually your brain will give more power to your whole body in order to carry on. And it’s not just in improving yourself but in everything.

So believe in what you can do. Because you really can achieve more than you think.

 “Push yourself to what’s behind the limits”

 Don’t you ever say that you can’t, it’s your enemy.

And now since you’re ready, let’s get to business.

To improve yourself you need to do just few things and easy one:

1-   Change the way you think to better: it’ll take some time but the result will be fascinating. Don’t be too much sweet and not too mush ugly, stay between them. As a start and us it with everything. Like this you’ll always do the right thing. You’ll always know the right thing to do.

2-    Work harder for your goals: try harder than you do now, stay awake for late times, always give more than what you have, the human body can endure a huge pain in weakness, think of what he can afford in its full strength. don’t say you don’t have enough time. You have the same hours that Albert Einstein had it. Wake up early, figure it out. I know you can (-;

3-   Live in peace: forget and forgive, those two things are the secret to live peacefully. Forget who hurt you; forget what they said to you. Forgive them for no reason, when you do that, you mind will be clear.

It’s just 3 things but you’ll be amazed about what it can do to the human body, so do it, and tell how your life become.

You have nothing to lose.




Which one of us don't want to live in a happiness?

Even if we don't know the true way or we don't use the correct way to be happy but we all keep looking for that mysterious feeling like if we don't know where it is when it's right in front of us.

Some peoples looking for it in money, they think that by making big money they will reach the stars. in the same time we can't say that money is not able to bring you some kind of what you want but you will always want more than that, and you will never ever get enough

So what's the meaning of happiness?

Happiness is not some thing we do, it's not something we buy, it's a lifestyle.
And to be happy you have to not change your life but maybe change some things in your life, and the true meaning is to change somethings in you, deep inside of you.

- To be strong is the first thing before anything? no one can really tell what you can do and can't do you can do anything you want it how ever it is
No one can control you and your life you are the only one responsible for yourself and life and your actions

- Your life is not about them it's about you

- People don't have to know and they're not really interested in knowing what you got through.
You don't know what people getting through so leave anybody else alone

- Don't you ever care about anything, everything is temporary, somehow it's not bad to be a robot without feelings, it makes you stronger.

- Act like you trust people but don't, Some way or another they will be against you, by not trusting them you're not giving them the chance to control you or your life.

- Leave everyone who's hurting you by his actions or words, and don't try to hurt who hurts you, you're not getting any where by doing that, actually sometimes they say things that hurts us deep inside of us it kills cause even we see that there is something wrong in ourselves so try to change it to the best. Always try to get a new version of you and it's only for you not for anybody else.

-Anything you feel uncomfortable with leave it, no matter what it means to you, no matter how much you suffered to get it. As long as you're not feeling well, you're not feeling comfortable it means that it's not worthy. Don't waste your time.

-You may say I'm crazy but I know what I'm talking about. There's millions or billions of people working in a jobs they don't even like, those people are working just to afford what make them alive. What about there happiness. Well let me tell you something they are miserables.
Doing what you like no matter how stupid it looks like to you is always a good beginning of happiness.
This things that looks to you stupid or impossible or even unnecessary can really make a different.

This is it for now I hope you like this, and tell me in the comments if you want me to write another part
tell me what's the consept of happiness to you

everyone of us dreams of a happy life. a life without problems, but some how it's impossible and it's become necessary and it take up to more than 60 percent of your daily life so instead of living in a dream we ask ourselves how to solve our problems?

 It's a question that we all keep on asking even if it's not out loud but we do ask it deep inside of us.
It's the matter that we're always afraid of
Afraid of what would happen if we solved our problems incorrectly, and what's the correct way to solve it.

How to solve your problems correctly?

Firstly I would like to tell you that's it's not matter at all to do mistakes and what I mean by that is: it's totally normal to deal with your problems improperly, the most important thing of all is to never ever repeat the same mistake twice.
The second thing is don't try to run away.
At the very beginning maybe you won't even know that you're running away.
I did that for a long time.
I choosed sleeping, every single time I had a problem i try as possible to stay relax and I go to sleep immediately, maybe I cry for few seconds but I sleep right after that. And other thing I was just completing my empty moments with sleeping. So don't that at all, for a while it might seems like it's not for you but unfortunately it is.
Instead of that try to solve it

So how to do that?

I'm not gonna tell you to bring a pen and a paper no we are not going to build a villa, it's just a problem so don't give it a bigger size that it deserve
So first thing just in your head try to have more than one solution
The second thing is to give every solution some kind of a result, what would happen if you choose that.
The third one is don't be afraid and go for it choose the one you feel comfortable with
At the end I would love to say that some problems don't gives us time to think so we have no time at all to do the imagination of solutions and all of that, we have to be fast, it's the harder, so think quicker.
And good bye

how to reach your goals?

how to reach your goals


which one of us don't want to reach his goals and don't want to make his dreams became true?

we all want that. all of us want to reach to places we imagine them in our heads only.
some of us want to famous some others like me just want to sent a message to the universe.
to do that we need a strong way to get in.

so what's the right road we should go through it?

of course you're not gonna find everything ready for you, that's the first thing you should take it in consideration.
think like if it's a war, and you have to win.
and giving up is not an option.
 the case is a matter of life and death.

-the second thing you should pay attention to is that you should go through the storm to get the next side.
that's the only way to get over your fear.
when you're afraid of something and you ask help for a doctor the first thing that he's gonna say it to you is to face it.
so face it, go through it.

- the third thing is: don't be afraid of falling down.
it's not a shame to fall down in the middle of the way to you dream, and it's definitely not the end of the world, as long as you keep trying.
you can't go any where without trying and trying all over again.
you can't go anywhere  without fighting, without giving your best.
you can't go anywhere without taking chances, without taking risks.

go for it, go through it, go to it, don't be waiting for it.

 how life was and become:

how life was and become love friends and family


it's weird how life become
you feel unsafe where you should feel safe
you feel safe where you should feel worry
your closes friend become your enemy
love disappeared in the community
no mercy between brothers, sisters, and family.
a lot of cheating, robbery.
no trust between neighbours, not just neighbours but also between families
it's weird how life become
when you sit down with an old person and he start telling you how life was 60 years ago, you'll be shocked.
there's non of that here now, nothing.
everything just gone.
when your mom tell you how they were living back there, you definitely gonna feel jealous
how friend was, they were more than brothers and sisters.
how love was back there, when the man do the impossible just in order to see his girl.
there were no phones, no Internet. it's true that the technology messed up everything.
the love in the past had his own sense, by letters, and all of that.
now there's nothing of that. just few massages on face book.
to let someone know about your love, you just need to publish a status in face book.
at the end i just wanted to say, don't let the technology spoil everything.
don't forget you neighbours, they are not monsters.
don't cheat on your friends
don't be the enemy to the one who used to be your friend
you don't have to be perfect, but at least make everything around you perfect.
give love to get it.
give trust to get it.
everything you give come back 10 times to you
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