Coming back 

 It's been a long time ago since my last writing.

And can't lie but I actually miss the idea of being able to write where ever a want however I want.

 A lot of things happened in the last several months, or actually years. How weird is that I actually realized that it's been 4 years. A lot of things changed. Things happened I couldn't even imagine it would. In so many ways: my health, my mental health, my life in general changed. Even the way that I write changed, and I'm not talking about words, phrases and alphabets but the whole meaning, As I said before I miss my writings, to feel free of writing everything. I have never written formally in my entire life, and I never wanted to, it doesn't make me comfortable, I always wanted to be free, to be Savage in a polite way, respectfully. Respect is the most amazing and a powerful thing in life. I can't get in a relationship if respect isn't in the top 10 in the list of the rules of that relationship, for me respect make everything in its place, nothing would change, nothing will go up or under anything else. I don't know if you understand me but this is how it is like, respect make everything just makes sense whatever there is respect there is understanding, comprehension and whatever that is respect there is love there is a communication, there is trying not to lose that relationship because of your respect to the other partner

There is so many ideas in my mind to talk about, so many feelings in my heart to write, when you go through some things in life it changed you from deep inside of you, it change the way you talk, the way you walk, and the way you threat people in your relationships. 

In my book Life is Life however it is (Wich I started writing it  in 2016 and it never ends, every time I try to put an end to with I came up with new ideas) I said once that: "Life is weird when you were a child you wish if you grew up and when you grow up you wish if you'll be a child again." in that time I said it based on others experiences, but now I'm actually leaving it. as you grow up life become much harder. You have more responsibilities more things to think about more things to worry about, and more things to do. So the point is try always to be the best version of yourself, and I'm not talking about money, I mean I'm not talking to get more money, money is never something to work on and I'm not saying that it's not  important, but the thing that you need to improve is yourself, your deep down of yourself, your thinking, your talking your mind by improving your mind you are developing your mental health, and that's really what matter.

 your mind is what kills you or take you higher. 

we come to an end for this I hope you enjoy it and I'll be here for you for more things you want and you need 

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