quotes help you to improve yourself

quotes to improve yourself


Never apologize for who you are.

Before you judge someone make sure you’re perfect.

In order to find yourself, think for yourself.

If you don’t build your dreams someone will hire you to help build theirs.

There is no better test of a man’s integrity than his behavior when he’s wrong.

Which is worse, failing or never trying?

The first duty of love is listening.

Go get your dreams.

Before say something, think how you’d feel if someone said it to you.

Life is an echo, what you send out comes back.

Be you, everyone else is already taken.

Women love a man who understands love more than their love for men who understands women.

Don’t give up, even if you’re in the deepest oceans.

Determination makes the impossible possible.

Even the white rose has a black shadow

Each day is a gift. Don’t send it back unopened.

Confidence never comes from having all the answers it comes from being open to all the questions.

how would it be the next generation?

the hardest thing that I'm thinking of all the time is "how would be the next generation????"

how would it be if the kid that is 1 year old know about phones more than the one who's 20 years old
how would it be if  children use phones more than they use books.
it is really terrible when you see a kid in his first years playing with phone rather than drawing or anything else
and the more horrible than that is that the parents are the one responsible for that.
some one said once when they asked her "how your kid is reading book and not playing with phone" she answered the kids don't listen to us, but they are doing the same as we do.
i agree with her and not in the same time.
maybe yes it's is our responsibility to show our children that the books are more important than phones
but also it's our responsibility to not giving them phones when they start crying.
it's easy for moms to give her phone to her children rather than letting them crying.
she can't unfortunately say NO to them.
and that's the horrible thing about it.
 i can't even imagine how the next generation will be.
 the depressions, the suicides.
all of this is because of phones, can you imagine that.
a girl in 18 have depression , and she doesn't even know why.
with all respect for those who have depression, i feel you i really do, cause i had depression.
and it's not easy.
but we are really destroying the community. 
kids are having autism because of us.
in the end just take care of your children 
let them know that books are important, and what ever happened don't give them phones or tablets. 
just don't


In life, you're not gonna find everything ready for you.
some how, some way. you're gonna be disappointed in some point actually a lot of points.
you will dream about one thing, you just want it so badly, and when you are so close to got it, you'll fall.
you try again and again and again, but every time you just got the same result over and over again.
it's like life is refusing you, at least that's the way you're feeling.
let me tell you just a little bit of my story:
i wrote a book in the age of 17, now I'm 20 years old not published it yet, unfortunately.
i get out of school and i regret, tough that it was too late to get back, when it wasn't.
i tried to get over it, and just do something in my fu*** life, so i decided that i need to get back to school after i wasted 5 years of my life, in nothing, i wanted to be a blogger, it didn't work too.
i get back to school. i was studding day and night just in order to get a good number in the end, i never tough that I'll fail, guess what, I FAILED in the class, so i lost another year.
i got depressed for i long time,  i wrote 2 more other books, and not yet publishing any one of them.
i tried looking for a job, i searched for more than 7 months, i couldn't get anything.
i decided that i need to change my life, my methods some how, i study to a formation for a medical assistant. i got my diploma, but i steel have to do training in the hospital for 2 months, you should guessing, they refused me.
i got sick, and i had to do an operation.
so i left everything and i decided that i need take care of myself a little bit.
when i start preparing myself to the hospital , i got news that they accepted me for the training in the hospital.
the point of all of this is, you really don't know what tomorrow is hiding for you.
you don't know what's gonna hit you.
so you have to be prepared in all the time.
don't give up, just don't do it, some day you will reach your achievements, you just need to be patient.
some times you give your best to get what you want, when it's only need to be patient.
work hard and be patient.


it's been i very long time since i decided to write specially in English, sometimes it's just that you have a lot of things to say, but nothing to write it, specially when you see everything nothing than just normal, a lot of things hurt but, it's normal, just like you get used to it, it's became something necessary in your life, funny right, but not weird cause i know that there's a lot of people know exactly what I'm talking about.
in a way or another you get tired, tired of everything, your home, your life, your simply everything.
and specially you get tired of trying. everyone is keeping on saying that you should keep trying even me I'm saying it and i keep on saying it even to myself. you know deep inside of you that someday you will get what you want. you just don't know when exactly.
it's just a matter of time, just like the song of "not a goodbye"
it's just a matter of time  I'm sure
 but time takes time and i can't hold on.
it's so hard to keep on trying without achieving anything at all.
it's hard when you do your best to be the best but you can't get anywhere except for the last.
but you know that you can't do anything except trying again.
there's nothing in your hand.
it's all out of your control.
it's very hard when everything you do go wrong.
and i mean by that everything.


 THE MEMORIES OF A GIRL: part three -3-

i remember well how my father was feeling i saw it in his eyes,
i was wishing for the first time to die not because of the pain i was feeling but because of seing my father getting hurt, without having the ability to do anything, and the worst thing of all is that i was the first reason that made him feel hurt
i was ready to quit just in order not to wake up in the next morrning and watching my father deing million times a day
behind all the of it i was fighting until the day when the doctor came i heard him well telling my father, there's nothing they can do, nothing is between thier hands, he have to take me home and take a good care of me, and make me happy in the last few days of my life.
my father coudn't get it, and i can't say that he was wrong, knowing that the only person that you have is leaving you forever soon, and you can't do anything. not faire at all.
i heard him crying out side the room.
he get in with red eyes like blood, telling me that everything is ok and we have to go home, saying you're all fine, trying unsuccessfully to hide that im steel having cancer.
i didn't want him to know that i already know everything, i get dressed waiting for him to come  back to take me home, he finally came, we get to the car and he told me there that i'm goanna steel have some side effects, because of the treatment, i ndicated my approval.
after 10 days of getting out of the hospital, i was setting in the balacony waiting for the hour i die.
it was killing not the cancer but the wait to die, steel getting pain, in the night, the morrning and every second of the day.

 it was 3 months, steel taking medicins, some how i was feeling little bit amazing, the pain start to desappear little by little, it was the day of the visit, i didn't want to go, but in order to make my father a little bit satisfied, i went and there was nothing, the doctor called us after 5 days of the visit telling my father to get to the clinic immediatly, and he told him that there's nothing no cancer in my whole body, it's a miracle how that happened, some how the kind of the traitment i was taking at the end work in my body and yes i'm another persons survive from the cancer.
i'm a surviver, now after  9 years here i'am writing my story with cancer, it was such a memeries i passed by, what i get through it was unbelievable.
at the end what i wanna say is that you have to fight, how ever was your situation, at least not for you, but for the closes persons to your heart.

                              the end





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what's advices all about?

in the last part (the first one) it was a part of my book, i saw a lot of people reading it, so what's advices all about? that's why i decide to do this again.

what we need in life to be not just successful, being successful is not all what we are searching for, you can be moneymaker without really living happier, without feeling relax in your home, what we need?

i have already said in my book that it's not matter how much money you have, not really important how fancy your food is, what's important is to be from the inside ok.

life is not what you want, it has it's ups and downs, most downs, that's why you should always be ready for the war,

"hope for the best, and get ready to the worst"

to be happy you should be happy on what you're doing, you will do things you don't like, but you're always having the chance to make the things right again, you made a mistake not the end of the world, raise up again, you get down you know the way up again, get up don't just be setting crying like babies fight.
no one in the whole world had what he want without fighting. no one found what he want waiting for him in front of the door.
they fight, they get down and up, people lie to you if they told you they didn't fall.

 "not matter how much you're slow in doing things as long as you keep moving"

THE MEMORIES OF A GIRL: part two -2-


her father was shocked, but he knew that he is not allowed to be weak, he just won't do the same mistake again. seeing his little angel being stolen by the same devil that stolehis wife, he could not believe it, but he was determined to not and never let her go, so he was strong for her.
she starts her chemotherapy, and with that start the nausea and vomiting, the pain she was feeling no one wan really understand, no one can really feel the same, but she was a strong little lady, she was too mush strong for her age.
her hair was falling, the shiny hair is gone, her heart father's heart gone, seeing his girl dying, cancer is the worst ever, it's nothing at all as reading this, i'm trying to let you know exactly how i felt nine years ago, it was nothing like this, nothing at all.
it's had been more than two months when i start writing my story, but i coudn't, i wrote the first part, the second is taking too much time, you must be wondering about who i am, and how this is, let me answer few of your question.
the first one and the most important of all, yes i am a survivor of cancer it's not just a story fromp the book of the fault in our stars, all respect to the writer john green. i go crazy in love with that book.
To be living with cancer, knowing or feeling that I’m like hazel said grenade, feeling like a grenade is something hurt, to know that maybe there goanna be a day where you’ll gone and leave all the people that love you behind, feeling that you goanna destroy them one day, is not just make you depressed but trying your best to stay away from the biggest number of people you can, just in order to minimize losses, yes again she was right, talking about hazel in the book of the fault in our stars, some how you feel like it’s your responsibility to do so.
to be continued



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