
loneliness, you hate it right
you hate yourself when you are alone
you feel like no one love you
you feel like you are no body
you see people around you in couples
you hate yourself for that, you hate your life
it's a bad thing right
no actually it's a horrible terrible thing in life
that what we know about it, right ?
what about the good side
is it that bad or more than that
my other one saying it's good
for once after all im with here
to alone is better than being with liars
to be alone is better than be living between monsters
who don't care about you or what happening to you
its better than being worry about someone who don't even remember your favorit color
being alone ius much more better than being in your room crying over someone
who don't even think for once a day of you
loneliness is peace
loneliness is relax
loneliness is health
loneliness is happiness in some different way but it make you feel good
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