Scientists identify mechanism that helps us inhibit unwanted thoughts
have identified a key chemical within the ‘memory’ region of the brain
that allows us to suppress unwanted thoughts, helping explain why people
who suffer from disorders such as anxiety, post-traumatic stress
disorder (PTSD), depression, and schizophrenia often experience
persistent intrusive thoughts when these circuits go awry.
We are
sometimes confronted with reminders of unwanted thoughts — thoughts
about unpleasant memories, images or worries. When this happens, the
thought may be retrieved, making us think about it again even though we
prefer not to. While being reminded in this way may not be a problem
when our thoughts are positive, if the topic was unpleasant or
traumatic, our thoughts may be very negative, worrying or ruminating
about what happened, taking us back to the event.
“Our ability to
control our thoughts is fundamental to our wellbeing,” explains
Professor Michael Anderson from the Medical Research Council Cognition
and Brain Sciences Unit, which recently transferred to the University of
Cambridge. “When this capacity breaks down, it causes some of the most
debilitating symptoms of psychiatric diseases: intrusive memories,
images, hallucinations, ruminations, and pathological and persistent
worries. These are all key symptoms of mental illnesses such as PTSD,
schizophrenia, depression, and anxiety.”
Professor Anderson
likens our ability to intervene and stop ourselves retrieving particular
memories and thoughts to stopping a physical action. “We wouldn’t be
able to survive without controlling our actions,” he says. “We have lots
of quick reflexes that are often useful, but we sometimes need to
control these actions and stop them from happening. There must be a
similar mechanism for helping us stop unwanted thoughts from occurring.”
region at the front of the brain known as the prefrontal cortex is
known to play a key role in controlling our actions and has more
recently been shown to play a similarly important role in stopping our
thoughts. The prefrontal cortex acts as a master regulator, controlling
other brain regions – the motor cortex for actions and the hippocampus
for memories.
In research published in the journal Nature
Communications, a team of scientists led by Dr Taylor Schmitz and
Professor Anderson used a task known as the ‘Think/No-Think’ procedure
to identify a significant new brain process that enables the prefrontal
cortex to successfully inhibit our thoughts.
In the task,
participants learn to associate a series of words with a paired, but
otherwise unconnected, word, for example ordeal/roach and moss/north. In
the next stage, participants are asked to recall the associated word if
the cue is green or to suppress it if the cue is red; in other words,
when shown ‘ordeal’ in red, they are asked to stare at the word but to
stop themselves thinking about the associated thought ‘roach’.
a combination of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and
magnetic resonance spectroscopy, the researchers were able to observe
what was happening within key regions of the brain as the participants
tried to inhibit their thoughts. Spectroscopy enabled the researchers to
measure brain chemistry, and not just brain activity, as is usually
done in imaging studies.
Professor Anderson, Dr Schmitz and
colleagues showed that the ability to inhibit unwanted thoughts relies
on a neurotransmitter – a chemical within the brain that allows messages
to pass between nerve cells – known as GABA. GABA is the main
‘inhibitory’ neurotransmitter in the brain, and its release by one nerve
cell can suppress activity in other cells to which it is connected.
Anderson and colleagues discovered that GABA concentrations within the
hippocampus – a key area of the brain involved in memory – predict
people’s ability to block the retrieval process and prevent thoughts and
memories from returning.
“What’s exciting about this is that now
we’re getting very specific,” he explains. “Before, we could only say
‘this part of the brain acts on that part’, but now we can say which
neurotransmitters are likely important – and as a result, infer the role
of inhibitory neurons – in enabling us to stop unwanted thoughts.”
previous research has focused on the prefrontal cortex – the command
centre – we’ve shown that this is an incomplete picture. Inhibiting
unwanted thoughts is as much about the cells within the hippocampus –
the ‘boots on the ground’ that receive commands from the prefrontal
cortex. If an army’s foot-soldiers are poorly equipped, then its
commanders’ orders cannot be implemented well.”
The researchers
found that even within his sample of healthy young adults, people with
less hippocampal GABA (less effective ‘foot-soldiers’) were less able to
suppress hippocampal activity by the prefrontal cortex—and as a result
much worse at inhibiting unwanted thoughts.
The discovery may
answer one of the long-standing questions about schizophrenia. Research
has shown that people affected by schizophrenia have ‘hyperactive’
hippocampi, which correlates with intrusive symptoms such as
hallucinations. Post-mortem studies have revealed that the inhibitory
neurons (which use GABA) in the hippocampi of these individuals are
compromised, possibly making it harder for the prefrontal cortex to
regulate activity in this structure. This suggests that the hippocampus
is failing to inhibit errant thoughts and memories, which may be
manifest as hallucinations.
According to Dr Schmitz: “The
environmental and genetic influences that give rise to hyperactivity in
the hippocampus might underlie a range of disorders with intrusive
thoughts as a common symptom.”
In fact, studies have shown that
elevated activity in the hippocampus is seen in a broad range of
conditions such as PTSD, anxiety and chronic depression, all of which
include a pathological inability to control thoughts – such as excessive
worrying or rumination.
While the study does not examine any
immediate treatments, Professor Anderson believes it could offer a new
approach to tackling intrusive thoughts in these disorders. “Most of the
focus has been on improving functioning of the prefrontal cortex,” he
says, “but our study suggests that if you could improve GABA activity
within the hippocampus, this may help people to stop unwanted and
intrusive thoughts.”
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