LIFE part2
life is the thing that we all hate but we have to be living on it day after day without complaining .
life is the hardest thing and in the same time its the most beautiful and sweetest thing .
life is going to knock you down,and that is okay. what is not okay is when you let it keep you down.
life is too precious and too short ti sit around regretthing lost opportunities
life is not about what happens to you,it is about how you handle what happenslife is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it is about learning to dance in the rain
and be joyfull of that be super happy in that
bob marley said once "live the life you love, love the life you live"
that men what?
that mean to be living your life how ever you want
that mean to live the life that you want to live
that mean to do what ever you want in this life
and believe me you can do what ever you want .
and to love the life you are living how ever it is
if you were living the worstest life you have to accept it the way it is.

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